"Welcome! Prime Counselling & Life Coaching was founded in 2007.
I am an Addictions Counsellor and a Life Coach with more than 20 years of worldwide experience in working in the field of mental and behavioral health. Throughout the years gained a wealth of clinical and managerial experience, enhanced by continuous study and interest in approaches made to support and sustain change in human beings.
Currently I provide counselling/coaching services in the UK, Europe, Africa and Asia. I travel and network internationally in a quest to find the newest and most effective approaches for any given population. My passion is to provide comprehensive and top quality care using innovative and client-centered approaches.
I use a blend of different schools of psychological theory that I believe best affect change and that are supported by scientific evidence. I integrate elements of psychodynamic, humanistic and cognitive behavioral approaches.
In the past I managed multidisciplinary teams, providing individual supervision and training." by Nuno Albuquerque
- +44 7841 906 908, +351 93 507 6658
- London & Lisbon
- primecounsellinglifecoaching@gmail.com